5 min read

8 Best Cheap Keyword Research Tools for 2024

8 Best Cheap Keyword Research Tools for 2024

In the high-stakes game of digital marketing, the difference between triumph and obscurity can often be distilled to a single factor: your choice of keywords.

That simple, yet formidable sequence of words you use to define your online identity can make or break your online presence. But as we well know, the best things in life aren't always free - keyword research tools included.

Fortunately, there are some tools that are cheap and very useful in 2024. These are affordable, reliable, and packed with features that will not only optimize your SEO but also give you the upper hand in this relentless race for relevance.

Because I believe that every business, regardless of size or budget, should have the opportunity to shine online.

Best Affordable Keyword Research Tools

1. LowFruits

LowFruits search for the term "coffee"
LowFruits search for the term "coffee"

LowFruits is a phenomenal keyword research tool specifically designed to identify low-competition keywords, streamlining the process of optimizing content for search engines.

One of the most remarkable features of this tool is its ability to visually display the competition level for each keyword in an intuitive manner. This user-friendly approach allows users to quickly and easily pinpoint high-potential keywords that are likely to drive more organic traffic to their website.

The tool is pretty cheap as well. You can start with a simple pack of 2000 credits for $25, which is more than enough to start your keyword research journey.

Alek's bottom line: LowFruits is one of my favorite tools because it visually shows the competitiveness of each SERP. 

2. UberSuggest

UberSuggest search for the term "coffee"
UberSuggest search for the term "coffee"

UberSuggest is an outstanding keyword research tool that specializes in providing comprehensive data and insights to help users optimize their content for search engines. This powerful tool offers a user-friendly interface and a wealth of features to assist in identifying high-performing keywords for various online platforms.

One of the most impressive aspects of UberSuggest is its ability to generate an extensive list of keyword suggestions based on a user's initial query. This enables users to discover a broad range of relevant keywords, including long-tail variations that are often overlooked by other tools.

Furthermore, UberSuggest displays vital data for each suggested keyword, such as search volume, cost-per-click (CPC), and competition level. This wealth of information empowers users to make informed decisions when selecting the most appropriate keywords for their content.

3. AlsoAsked

AlsoAsked search for the term "coffee"
AlsoAsked search for the term "coffee"

AlsoAsked is a highly effective keyword research tool that focuses on delivering insightful data on related search queries to help users enhance their content for search engines. By leveraging the power of Google's "People also ask" feature, this innovative tool reveals a plethora of interconnected questions that users may not have considered when creating their content.

One of the most notable features of AlsoAsked is its ability to visually present the relationships between various search queries through an interactive mind map. This unique approach enables users better to understand the connections between different topics and questions, allowing them to create comprehensive content that addresses the needs of their target audience.

4. AnswerThePublic

Answer the public search for the term "coffee"
Answer the public search for the term "coffee"

AnswerThePublic is a highly innovative and valuable keyword research tool that focuses on uncovering the questions and search queries people use when looking for information online.

By tapping into the wealth of data generated by search engines, this resourceful tool helps users create content that addresses the specific needs and concerns of their target audience, ultimately improving their search engine optimization (SEO) efforts.

One of the most striking features of AnswerThePublic is its ability to visually present the collected data in an organized and easily digestible format. Upon entering a keyword or topic, the tool generates a series of questions, prepositions, comparisons, and related search terms, which are then displayed in visually appealing and interactive graphs.

Alek's bottom line: AnswerThePublic is great for finding informational intent keywords. It could help you with building topical clusters as well. 
Google search for the term "best vacuum cleaner for"
Google search for the term "best vacuum cleaner for"

Yes, you heard me right. Google Search is a free keyword research tool that you can use to uncover long-tail keywords by writing the first part of your query. For example, if you write "best vacuum cleaner for" and Google will suggest up to 10 long-tail versions of this.

Alek's bottom line: If you have zero budget, you can use Google to find interesting keywords.
Google Trends search for the term "coffee"
Google Trends search for the term "coffee"

Google Trends is a powerful and versatile tool that provides valuable insights into the popularity and search trends of specific keywords over time. While it may not be a dedicated keyword research tool like some others, it can still play a crucial role in helping users discover relevant keywords and refine their content strategies.

7. ChatGPT

ChatGPT answer
ChatGPT answer

If used correctly, ChatGPT can be an excellent tool for generating topics. However, it's important to remember that the results it provides are not supported by any actual data. Nevertheless, conducting basic keyword research using the tool is a cost-effective option.

Here's the prompt I used in this case. Feel free to copy it and tweak it to fit your niche. 👇

Generate a list of 20 keywords in the coffee niche. Make sure that the keywords are searched online and are popular. Make it in a table with one column for the keyword and another column for the popularity of the keywords ( relative popularity from 0 to 100 ).

8. Google Search Console

Google Search Console Report
Google Search Console Report for my personal site

Google Search Console (GSC) provides insight into how your website is performing for its top 1,000 organic search keywords. You can easily access this information through the Search Results report.

By examining this report, you can identify keywords for which your website is ranking, but your blog posts are not yet fully optimized. Armed with this knowledge, you can optimize your content by incorporating these keywords into headings, subheadings, and other important elements, ultimately boosting your overall organic search rankings.


In conclusion, the mystical world of keyword research tools offers a treasure trove of opportunities for businesses looking to boost their online visibility and generate a surge of organic traffic.

With the digital landscape becoming increasingly competitive, utilizing affordable keywords research tools like LowFruits, AlsoAsked, and ChatGPT can empower you to make strategic decisions that elevate your SEO game without breaking the bank.

By harnessing the power of these cost-effective tools, you can uncover high-potential keywords and transform your business into an online powerhouse, leaving your competitors in the digital dust.

So, take the plunge and explore these gold mines of opportunity to unlock the secrets of powerful keyword analysis and elevate your business to new heights.